Friday, February 15, 2008

An Argument FOR the Valentine's Argument

As I have been listening to NPR, reading various blogs both small and big, and having conversations with people, the arguments,"I don't do Valentine's because we should show love everyday" and "it has turned into a commercialized holiday" have come up too often to not make note.

With the grocery stores being more and more efficient (if that's what you can call it) by having the next holiday's affairs set-up the first possible day (even if the holiday is two months away) I can see the everyone's point. Who wants to feel like their days of celebration are being reduced down to nothing more than cardboad wrapped chocolates, cheap flower bouquets and singing cards? However, this holiday exploitation is happening with EVERY holiday, not just valentines. Take Christmas for example. If the same argument aforementioned applies, shouldn't we choose to NOT celebrate it because we should be celebrating Christ year-round? What about the 4th of July? Shouldn't we showing our patriotism year-round?

Singling out Valentines Day seems silly to me when looking at the big picture and I'd be curious to hear the justifications and arguments as to why we can celebrate one holiday vs. another. Why not take a day to celebrate love? It's what makes the world go round right? When taking to the symbolism of holidays, we have New Beginnings/Fresh Starts, LOVE, Resurrection, Independence/Patriotism, Scary Tradition, Gratitude and Christ. Why is love getting singled out amidst all of these other values?

I think the bigger argument is really missed here. The commercialization and exploitation of the holidays. Don't boycot the holiday, boycot the commercialization. Maybe what I should really be saying is... give love a chance! --@DP


Anonymous said...

I agree--I think we should celebrate Christ, gratitude, patriotism, love all year long AND for the most part I THINK WE DO. I also think the commercialization has gone over the top. I think having one "special day" dedicated to these celebrations gives spice and variety to life. It offers chances to express our creativity or not. I also think it gives way to much anticipation and excitement for our children and that is fun for them. Bottom line--I like the holiday--But could do without month's of hype before.

Kim said...

Good point I totally agree and think you are hilarious.

Stefany said...

YOU are an amazing writer ! Then again, I think I have told you that on a few occasions.
