Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just Believe

When was the last time where you really believed in someone? Not just believed in their day-to-day ongoings, where it's easy to believe and your neck is far from being out on the line but really taking a chance at believing in the underdog even if it was at the expense of your dreams, your hopes, your trust, your faith...your neck? Don't you find that it's easy to believe in those who give you reason to believe, that actually also believe in themselves? Is that really belief or merely observing the observable trait in someone who has figured out the world enough to have a bundle of successes under their belt. What about those who don't give you many reasons at all; that don't have the odds of success in their favor and you go through disappointment after disappointment with the occasional success, yet you notice this small spark that may grow into a blaze if it's given just the right amount of stoking? Where is your neck then? Is it on the line or safely tucked away until the ratio of gains to losses improves? When was the last time you really believed in someone and carried their belief when they had very little...because that is the belief I want to have in my own life to show towards another. To answer my own questions? It's been far too long.


Noah Vail said...

I love "The Dandelion Postings" -- Kristin's ruminations about life, psychology, matters of substance. It was very thought-provoking, the hallmark of a great blog. Believing in and loving someone else unconditionally provide the greatest risk-reward opportunities in life. With regard to marriage, I believe it is possible to ascend to higher kingdoms, even on this earth. In fact, that's the whole point -- to lift each other until we achieve couple perfection. Kind of like sitting at a dinner table with only ultra-long spoons, too long to feed yourself. You can either starve or learn only through feeding others can oneself be fed.
I'll be back for more postings.

Kristin said...

Glad you made it over to these neck of the woods Dad. I believe you can ascend right here on earth as well but boy is it hard :)