Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Are you my mother?

Mother's day. A day where women are celebrated, in particular those who have born or adopted children. Traditionally this has been the case, but this year, a few around me...including myself were celebrated. Not celebrated because I have children, in fact, according to my husband I am approximately 15 months away from even thinking about children. But as my thoughtful husband put it I am "a mother-to-be, a mother to him in certain ways and a mother to our dogs." My best-friend's husband dedicated an entire blog to her because of her mothering qualities and her potential to be a mother. But is a mother limited to the role of bearing or raising her own children? What about those women who never had the chance to marry but mother the children in the ward, their siblings children, the children in the neighborhood? What about the women that are unable to bear children and choose not to adopt but mother rear a wonderful home, actively love their husband or not have a husband and care for the animals? I would like to broaden the definition of what traits and attributes make up a mother and say thank you to the many mother's in my life that have helped raise and shape me into the person I am.


Aimee said...

I think the words mother, father, sister, brother and especially family have so many complex meanings. I think it is easy to get stuck in one set idea of what those relationships are but I know so many people that are a mother to me that aren't my mother or people I consider family that aren't technically blood so I think you make a wonderful point in opening up that word to so much more than just the Webster's definition of it. Great blog.

Kristin said...

Thanks Aim...I really had no idea that people really read this blog. You are right about "websters defintions" and how all to often we limit ourselves to precreated definitions...