Monday, July 30, 2007

The Art of Boredom

The art of boredom is nothing more than the ability to occupy your mind and being while in the midst of a seemingly dry moment. When I used to encounter people who would say, "I am so bored" or "last night was so boring" I used think, "well I bet that is because you are boring and need to broaden yourself, your thoughts, increase your skills of observation...and you are probably well...high maintenance." My belief is this, there are those moments in life where you could technically be "bored", I honor and recognize those moments, but it's what we do in those moments that count. Move from being entertained dependent to entertainment independent. While at an event look at everyone's buttons on their shirts or locate small details on a wardrobe, at home pick up a book you haven't read in a while, find recipes, or delight in researching how to get your whites their whitest, sit and think about the galaxy or plan your next fabulous party. There is so much out there just waiting to be snatched up...Boredom is an art and their is an artist in us all :)--@DP


duff said...

Interesting concept--I was thinking that I mostly get bored during Sacrement meeting--the MOST IMPORTANT MEETING of the day. I do enjoy seeing the people and the family in our ward who always coordinates their outfits--but after the sacrament--it progresses to 40 minutes of speakers reading their talks and mostly the same things I have heard for years--but I am seriously working on my "art of boredom" in that meeting.

David Vogelsberg said...

Kris, I'm sending 10 people to this post right now! You say it perfectly!