Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cause and Effect

As I have been researching the Privatization of Water by major US corporations in other countries, it "caused" me to think about our actions and their results, which led to the "effect" of writing this blog. How often do we, as Americans, stop to think about the effect of our actions? When was the last time you took your trash out and thought,"now where does all this trash go?", or how 'bout turning on your light switch thinking, "Wow, this is incredible that this electricity is brought all the way to my house from a little (or big) electrical plant"? I guess my point is I think as American's we often tend to be entitled little children that think very little about how our actions will impact both the immediate and long term picture. Case and point, look at covers the effect, but will not pay to prevent the cause. We just deal with the aftermath. Europe, Canada and other progressively green countries have had recycling and other green initiatives for a long time now where in America we are now reacting to where we have driven our planet to. Sometimes the attitude of our country, which I love and appreciate, drives me nuts.


Aimee said...

I think it is state-based sometimes too. I love utah, don't get me wrong, but I had recycling up in Seattle 12 years ago. Still there are some places in this state that don't include recycling cans in the garbage system??? I don't get it?

Kristin said...

Aim I totally think this could be state based as well...certain parts of our country are far more progressive than others. I guess in Utah's case we're probably the "others."